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Other Media

KPWA "You Are A Changemaker" Conference

SojuWave, November 5, 2016

SojuWave is here to connect you with all things Korean. Their aim is to bring you original content on Korean culture that is both authentic and engaging. Here, they cover KPWA's You are a Changemaker Conference held on October 29, 2016

꿈을 갖고 도전해라 Challenge Yourself with a Dream

The Korea Times, November 2, 2016

Covering the conference: You Are A Changemaker 2016, including Keynote Address by Senator Yonah Martin, panelists: Erin Kang, Creator of Stories of Ours, Wayne Kim, CEO & Founder of StorageASP and KIGALabs, Won Kim, Founding Principal, Kim Orr Barristers P.C., and Sharmila Setaram, Former President of Amnesty International, as well as a Closing Address by Karen Lee, First Female Korean Police Officer in Canada

면접 준비 도와준 선배 못 잊어

The Korea Times, October 21, 2016

In a series of interviews with the Korea Times (part 5), Ed Ra, Director, Scotiabank Global Banking and Markets, shares how his mentor gave him key advice and how he is doing to same for the next generation of young professionals.

Kim’s Convenience and Koreans in Toronto

SojuWave, October 13, 2016

SojuWave is here to connect you with all things Korean. Their aim is to bring you original content on Korean culture that is both authentic and engaging. Here, they cover the unofficial viewing party of Kim's Convenience and other events taking place in Toronto. 

사회에선 복장, 첫 인상 중요 In Society, First Impressions are Important

The Korea Times, October 11, 2016

In a series of interviews with the Korea Times (part 4), Dr. Jean Kim, global communications strategist and Committee Advisor of KPWA, shares her insights on the importance of communication, especially having spent her childhood in Seoul, London, New York, Tokyo, Paris and Vancouver and living in seven different countries.  

시야를 넓히면 살 길 보인다 Widen Your Vision to See the Way

The Korea Times, September 29, 2016

In a series of interviews with the Korea Times (part 3), KPWA's Vice President, Keren Yun, shares how to deal with adversity as her career path shifted at an early age.  

문화장벽 뛰어 넘었더니 길 열려 Overcoming Culture Barriers Opens New Roads

The Korea Times, September 28, 2016

In a series of interviews with the Korea Times (part 2), KPWA's Founding Member and Chair of the Mentorship Committee, Ji-Hyun Kwon, shares her experiences as KPWA kicks off the 2016 Connect & Inspire Mentorship Program.  

지능·감성지수·열정 삼박자 갖춰라 Master the Trifecta: IQ, EQ and Passion

The Korea Times, September 27, 2016

In a series of interviews with the Korea Times (part 1), Justin Kim shares his insights and experiences with those in attendance at KPWA's 2016 Connect & Inspire Mentorship Launch. 

K-Talks: Unconventional Success

SojuWave, May 17, 2016

SojuWave is here to connect you with all things Korean. Their aim is to bring you original content on Korean culture that is both authentic and engaging. Here, they cover K-Talks: Unconventional Success, presented by KPWA.

연방 각 당 후보 한인들 표심얻기 공방 Candidates from Each Federal Party Attract Korean Voters During Workshop

Korea Daily, September 16, 2015

Coverage of the Federal Election Community Forum

From left to right: Khalid Ahmed, NDP Candidate Don Valley East, Peter Kent, MP Thornhill, Janet Oh, President of KPWA, Daniel Lee, President of KCCA, Ali Ehsassi, Liberal Candidate Willowdale

열기 뜨거웠던 정당후보 토론회 Open and Hot Debate Among Candidates

The Korea Times, September 16, 2015

The KCCA (President Daniel Lee), together with KPWA (President Janet Oh), host a highly successful Federal Election Forum on Sept 15 at the Korean Canadian Cultural Centre.

뿌리 잊어선 안 돼  Don't Forget Your Roots

The Korea Times, May 26, 2015

Interview with Susan Kim-Kirkland, CEO of JWT Canada and Keynote Speaker at KPWA's Launch Event

뭉치면 단단해진다  United We Become Stronger 

The Korea Times, May 22, 2015

Coming together as we celebrate the official launch of KPWA.

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